Change Your Brainwaves, Change Your Life.

BioCybernaut is the pioneer in neurofeedback training, helping you tune into Zen-like states in days, not decades.

Unlock Your Potential Happiness Performance Intelligence Creativity Connection Gratitude

With BioCybernaut Brain Science, there is more available to you
than you can even imagine.

Creativity is simply a matter of having the right brain waves. With the right training, you can turn on Alpha and be creative in whatever area you want.

Not only does this training help you achieve a higher level of intellect, but it also produces changes that last and continue to improve long after your treatment is over.

Learn how to get on the same wavelength as those around you—literally. A better understanding of yourself and others is an essential part of successfully reaching one’s own goals.

Most people consider “flow state” to be elusive, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn to adjust your mental frequencies and reliably tune in to your “flow state” whenever you want.

Happiness is more than just a fleeting feeling. Happier people lead more productive and healthier lives. Change the way you experience life and learn to make that feeling last.

Learn to remove the obstacles standing between you and the relationships you want through more emotional control, clearer communication, enhanced intimacy, and greater understanding.

Regardless of your age, when you begin, neurofeedback training not only increases your mental acuity but also works to reverse the course of aging in your brain.

Far too often, treatment programs focus only on the symptoms instead of the root cause. Our approach shifts the focus to address the underlying issues. This is where true change can begin.

Certainly, you could spend decades alongside Zen-Masters learning to control your brainwave activity to eliminate stress and anxiety. Fortunately, there’s a quicker way to achieve the same results.


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Take The Alpha Test

5-minute multiple-choice test to that quickly identifies your current Alpha state.

BioCybernaut Institute

Under Dr. Hardt’s guidance, the BioCybernaut Institute is a family of highly-trained, deeply committed expert technicians and enthusiasts with a passion for training their own brains and helping others do the same. All of us have experienced the training – most of us multiple times.

Our Mission

Our mission is to increase awareness globally, reduce suffering, and usher in an enduring Golden Age for all Humanity. We know that higher states of consciousness can be accessed with BioCybernaut technology and science. With our brain training programs, we create a world where people achieve their highest potential and greatest happiness.

Dr Hardt

Discover Neurofeedback Training

If stress, anxiety, and past traumas are keeping you down and holding you back…
If you’ve achieved success but lost your peace of mind…
If you know, you’re capable of more than you are presently achieving…

BioCybernaut Training

The three pillars to attaining peak results through BioCybernaut’s internationally acclaimed 7-day brain training.

Bio Cyber Naut Training Bio Cyber Naut Training

Trainer Facilitation
of Amazing Results

You will be personally guided and coached by a highly trained specialist. BioCybernaut Trainers learn about you during daily in-depth interviews. This coaching brings a deeper understanding of the profound experiences that occur in the BioCybernaut training chambers. Daily in-depth interviews with your Trainer also help you to integrate the transformational experiences and help you to transfer these breakthrough insights from short-term to long-term memory.

Bio Cyber Naut Training Bio Cyber Naut Training

Uninterrupted Immersion

Your training is based on the science of immersion and uninterrupted practice, rather than distributed sessions spread over time. By training on consecutive long days, you build on the successes of the previous day while gaining the momentum that launches you into breakthroughs of transformational awareness and higher consciousness.

Bio Cyber Naut Training Bio Cyber Naut Training

The Hardware: Our Ergonomic Technology

BioCybernaut was founded and is led by Dr. James Hardt, one of the original inventors of EEG feedback technology. He holds a number of patents in the EEG feedback field. Dr. Hardt has raised millions of dollars in Federal grant and private foundation funding to develop and perfect BioCybernaut's brainwave training technology. His published research studies demonstrate success in addressing a number of issues like anxiety, depression, anger, fear, and sadness. His research findings have been validated and published.

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Brain Lead Magnet

The Answer to Anxiety

Change Your Brainwaves, Change Your Life

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