After running two major scientific research studies (Carnegie Mellon University, 1971 and University of California at San Francisco, 1972), Dr. Hardt published research showing dramatic anxiety reduction following his Alpha training. Then he undertook a major technology development project to bring more processing power into the analysis of the brain waves and to do more sophisticated process control of the actual brain wave feedback process. Microcomputer chips had just been developed and had become available for sale as individual integrated circuit chips, with 40 pin packages. Dr. Hardt won a $2,000 grant from the John E. Fetzer Foundation and went on to build the world’s first Micro-Computer-based brain wave analyzer and biofeedback system. It was 1978 when Dr. Hardt completed this development project. This new micro computerized technology revolutionized brain wave feedback training, enabling Dr. Hardt to provide brain wave feedback unavailable anywhere else on this planet.
Dr. Hardt completed the development of this world’s first micro-computer brain analyzer and feedback system in1978. This new technological wonder was Dr. Hardt’s ticket to India in 1979. This is where a wealthy oil company owner was making a movie about the Tantric Gurus of India, and he invited Dr. Hardt to come along as Project Scientist. Many of Dr. Hardt’s deep insights into how to train people to reach states of higher awareness came from his work with advanced Yogis in India and later with Zen monks and Zen Masters whom Dr. Hardt trained in the US.
A brand new Feedback Technology is being developed in BioCybernaut’s R&D labs. It is called the Dream System. It will feedback on true phase coherence, which will enable feedback on the brain wave patterns that underlie Halos. Yes – Halos! Dr. Hardt discovered in 1991 the brain wave patterns which give rise to Halos. Halos are a cross-culturally recognized symbol of Spiritual Advancement and Ethical Purity. Jesus and the Apostles and Angels are typically depicted with Halos. The Buddha is often depicted with a halo. Krishna is often shown with a Halo. Going back to medieval times, religious paintings have shown saints and angels with Halos. The Yarmulka, often worn on the part of the head known as the Alpha Dome, may represent a dimensionally compressed form of a Halo and a reminder of the Higher Nature to which we all aspire. Dr. Hardt published his discovery on the brain waves of Halos in 1996. Additional breakthroughs are coming in Shared Feedback[™] training.
Dr. James V. Hardt is the President and the founder of BioCybernaut Institute, Inc. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics from Carnegie Institute of Technology, a Masters Degree in Psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University, and a Ph.D. in Psychology from Carnegie-Mellon University. He has also done Post-Doctoral work in Psychophysiology at the Langley Porter Neuro-Psychiatric Institute of the University of California at San Francisco. Dr. Hardt has authored or co-authored more than 60 papers and professional presentations. He has a position as a true thought leader in the personal development field. His passion for developing the world’s first neurofeedback training system has led him to India several times, where he studied advanced Yogis with his technology. He has also studied Zen meditators and Zen masters and explored Christian prayer and contemplation. All this led to creating BioCybernaut Institute and the Alpha One Training and 23 higher levels of Alpha training and also 24 levels of the Theta training.
Over four decades of training, thousands of individuals have led to inventions, US patents, ongoing refinements, and the near-perfection of Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwave training.
Your training begins with a tutorial on the sources of brain activity, the different kinds of brain waves, where they originate, what they do, and what affects them.
Every trainee is different, and every brain is different, so our Trainers create individualized lessons and guidance that will maximize your progress and facilitate your lasting improvements.
“Creativity is a matter of having the right brain waves. When creative people go to work on an imaginative task, their alpha jumps …” Collin Martindale, 1975
The study was conducted to determine if alpha brain-wave neurofeedback training can have positive psychological results by reducing anxiety and other psychopathology.
Two 12-man teams of Green Berets participated in 7-days of intensive alpha brain wave training on a secret Army base where Dr. Hardt had installed his technology. According to the POMS personality inventory, both 12-man teams showed significant reductions in Depression/Dejection, Fatigue, Confusion/Bewilderment, Tension/Anxiety.
… then the Alpha One Training is what you are looking for!
Join us on a life-changing adventure. One of our representatives will contact you to discuss your preferred dates, locations, logistics, and any other questions you may have about BioCybernaut and the training we offer.
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