After years of scientific research, Dr. James Hardt discovered that forgiveness and opening the heart is necessary to quickly learn to increase the level of alpha waves, through which you can achieve many benefits such as: more happy life, increased creativity, higher IQ. Some ask dr. Hardta: “Can not I achieve a higher level of creativity and IQ and lower the level of fear without working on forgiveness?” . In response, Dr. Hardt just smiles and says gently: “The things you want to achieve are only side effects of deep work on spirituality, including work on forgiveness.”
Learning to rapidly increase the alpha waves in the brain, as well as theta and delta waves, requires spiritual development. The research work of the Biocybernaut Institute in the field of Spiritual Sciences reveals the existence of a causal relationship between brainwaves and the level of spiritual development. In just seven days of Alpha 1 Training, you will be able to achieve a model of the brainwaves that Zen meditators have for 21-40 years.
There are BIOCYBERNAUT Brain Training Institues in:
– Sedona, Arizona
– Bavaria, Germany
Thank you for inquiring about the inner explorations possible with BIOCYBERNAUT Brainwave Training Programs.
Warm regards,
Agnieszka Jurko
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