"It [Alpha 1]was like, being able to put out your arms and fly. Alpha 2 was like being in the cockpit of an F-16 and being able to zoom up to the edge of space. Alpha 3 was like integrating everything I ever wanted to integrate. And Alpha 4 knocked it out of the park!"
Biocybernaut Graduate Tweet
Biocybernaut offers up to Twenty Four Levels of Alpha Trainings. Alpha Trainings build on each previous training bringing you into richer and richer experiences and allowing your brain waves to organize and grow and synchronize more broadly across your head. Each successive training allows you to further advance in your Mind Mastery through increasing self-mastery of your own brain waves.
Alpha One Training gives you feedback on four different channels. The left and right Occipitals, as well as the left and right Centrals. On the fourth day, you will receive feedback on the coherence between your left and right hemispheres. This Hemi-Coherence feedback continues all of Days 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Alpha Two gives you feedback on all 8 channels, which are the left and right Frontals and the left and right Temporals (in addition to the Alpha One feedback channels). The feedback also includes hemi-coherence on four Left Brain: Right Brain channel pairs.
Alpha Three provides feedback that focuses your learning predominantly on integrating your Left Brain and your Right Brain. This involves compelling feedback that emphasizes your hemi-coherence tones and scores, all of which deal with left: right synchronization.
For our Alpha 2 Neurofeedback Training, all 128 channels are up and running starting on Day 1, but the brain would be overwhelmed with too much information if all of these channels were provided as feedback. An “information overwhelm” slows down or even prevents learning. At Biocybernaut, EEG activity is recorded bilaterally from Occipital, Central, Temporal and Frontal Cortical locations. Bilaterally means left hemisphere and right hemisphere of the brain.
In the International 10-20 electrode placement systems, this is O1, O2, C3, C4, T3, T4, F3 and F4.
At each one of these cortical locations, the Biocybernaut technology derives 16 different EEG filter bands, so there are 128 EEG Integrated Amplitude scores being derived continuously, and all are available for feedback. Of course, the brain would be overwhelmed if it were provided with anywhere close to this number of independent channels of feedback information. So the Biocybernaut research has shown us which are the most effective channels of information, and how many at any given time, to provide to our clients (our trainees) in the introductory Alpha One training and also in the more advanced trainings, which go up to 24 separate Alpha training programs, each of which is 7 days long.
In addition to these 128 channels of integrated amplitude scores, there are over 65,000 hemicoherence pairs which can be simultaneously derived. In the Alpha One and Alpha Two trainings these are normally derived from the Broad Band Alpha of the Occipital pair, the Central pair, the Temporal pair and the Frontal pair. There are an immense number of combinations of Hemi-coherent pairs that could be made available as feedback, so the Biocybernaut research team has found which of these tens of thousands of possible hemicoherence pairs are best to provide to our clients in each of the 24 levels of the Alpha trainings.
In the Alpha 1 Premium Single, where people go into the neurofeedback chamber once each day, people start with 6 digital scores and 4 audio feedback channels. The six digital scores are Broad Band Alpha EEG from O1, O2, C3 and C4. In addition, there are the 2 Hemicoherent Broad Band Alpha scores from the Occipital pair and the Central pair of electrodes. On the 4th day of the Alpha One Premium Single, we add in the audio feedback from these two hemicoherent pairs, making for six audio feedback channels and 6 digital score feedback channels. These 6 scores and 6 audio feedback channels are then given as feedback for the rest of the training week, which includes Day 5, 6 and 7.
In the Alpha 1 Premium Double, where people go into the neurofeedback chamber twice each day, people start with 6 digital scores and 4 audio feedback channels, just like in the Premium Single. The six digital scores are Broad Band Alpha EEG from O1, O2, C3 and C4. In addition, there are the 2 Hemicoherent Broad Band Alpha scores from the Occipital pair and the Central pair of electrodes. On the 4th time in the chamber (which is the second session of Day 2) of the Alpha One Premium Double training, we add in the audio feedback from these two hemicoherent pairs, making for six audio feedback channels and 6 digital score feedback channels.
Then on Day 4 of the Alpha 1 Premium Double, we add in 3 more scoring channels and two more audio feedback channels. The 3 more scores are the F3 and F4 Integrated amplitude scores from Broad Band Alpha EEG and also the Hemicoherence score from the Frontal Broad Band Alpha. On Day 5 we add in the audio feedback from the Hemicoherence of the Frontal Broad Band Alpha. This is now 9 channels of audio feedback and 9 channels of digital feedback on integrated amplitude Alpha activity.
On Day 6 of the Alpha 1 Premium Double, we add in 3 more scoring channels and two more audio feedback channels. The 3 more scores are the T3 and T4 Integrated amplitude scores from Broad Band Alpha EEG and also the Hemicoherence score from the Temporal Broad Band Alpha. On Day 7, we add in the audio feedback from the Hemicoherence of the Temporal Broad Band Alpha. This is now 12 channels of audio feedback and 12 channels of digital feedback scores, which include both the integrated amplitude Alpha activity and the Hemicoherence Alpha activity.
These 12 channels of feedback include 8 channels of integrated amplitude Broad Band Alpha scores from the International 10-20 electrode placement systems, which is O1, O2, C3, C4, T3, T4, F3 and F4. And in addition, there are 4 channels of hemicoherence feedback tones and scores from the Occipital pair, the Central pair, the Temporal pair and the Frontal pair.
Also described above are the differences in number of feedback channels, which increases through the week as the trainees become more able to effectively handle additional channels of feedback information. Of course it is necessary to avoid overwhelming your brain with too much information, because that slows down and even disrupts learning.
So to summarize…
The above discussion shows how, in the Premium Single, the number of channels of feedback tops out at 6 Audio feedback channels and 6 digital scoring channels.
Whereas in the Premium Double Alpha 1 training, additional scores and tones are added in starting on Day 4 and continuing up through Day 7, so that the total number of audio feedback channels rises to 12 by Day 7 and the total number of digital feedback channels also rises to 12 by Day 7.
In both the Premium Single and the Premium Double Alpha 2 training, there are 12 audio feedback channels and there are also 12 digital feedback channels every one of the 7 days of this Alpha Two training.
These are are 8 channels of integrated amplitude Broad Band Alpha scores from the International 10-20 electrode placement systems, which is O1, O2, C3, C4, T3, T4, F3 and F4. And in addition, there are 4 channels of hemicoherence feedback tones and scores from the Occipital pair, the Central pair, the Temporal pair and the Frontal pair.
In the Alpha 1 Premium Double these 12 channels of audio and digital score feedback only became fully available on Day 7. So in Alpha Two, all 12 of these channels are available continuously for the entire 7 Days of the Alpha Two training program. Thus the Alpha Two enables people to more fully develop their mastery of these 12 important EEG parameters over the entire week of the Alpha 2 training.
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