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Scientific studies have confirmed that just 7 days of BioCybernaut’s unique Alpha One Brain Wave Training produces the following benefits for people who do this training ( Trainees )
BioCybernaut Alpha Brainwave Training has been proven useful in the following therapeutic applications:
*Not everyone receives these benefits, but these are results that past trainees have experienced. Our program is self-educated.
“As a journal Editor, I receive hundreds of studies every week. It is rare for a study to show personality changes, and if it does, it shows changes for one or two measures for a segment of the population. These are baby steps. When I saw the BioCybernaut data showing changes
in all participants’ measures, I got excited. This is not a baby step, and this is an elephant step.”
— — Dr. Andy Campbell, Editor in Chief of Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
Research has shown that the BioCybernaut Alpha One feedback training increased intelligence as measured by a sophisticated IQ test: The Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test. IQ increases up to 49 percentile points were seen, and the average increase of all the trainees was 11.7 points. (Proceedings, 8th Annual Winter Conference on EEG, sponsored by FutureHealth, Palm Springs, CA, February 4-8, 2000).
Creativity increases resulting from the BioCybernaut Alpha One training were studied with an experiment with Stanford Research Institute scientists. The scientists all benefited from creativity increases following their BioCybernaut Alpha One training, and the average increase in creativity was a whopping 50 percent.
Two 12-man teams of US Army Green Berets did the BioCybernaut Alpha One training on their secret Army base as a part of the Trojan Warrior project within the US Army. The Green Berets took personality tests before and after their BioCybernaut Alpha, One training, and many mission-related dimensions of personality were measured. Results showed that BioCybernaut Alpha Feedback training improved important and mission-related dimensions of overall personality. The detailed report can be seen below (Learn More). After all of the Green, Berets had been trained, and the BioCybernaut technology was left on their secret Army base for almost three months. Each week, the elite soldiers would have one “voluntary day” during which they could do anything they wanted: play ball, swim, go to the movies, go on a date, sleep in, or go back for an Alpha Tune-Up with the BioCybernaut technology. Two-thirds of the soldiers chose to go back for more Alpha Feedback training, feeling extremely helpful for their mission.
Anxiety is usually understood as having a short-term or transient component, called State Anxiety, and a longer-term component called Chronic or Trait Anxiety. Both types of Anxiety are dramatically reduced by BioCybernaut Alpha Brain wave training.
BioCybernaut training has been shown to reduce many negative personality dimensions measured by the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and other commonly used personality tests. Your personality is a function of your brain waves, so when you learn how to improve your brain waves to have more Alpha with your BioCybernaut Alpha training, you will find that you have an improved personality, with less anxiety, less depression, less anger, less hostility and more energy, more vigor, more friendliness, more happiness and more clarity of thinking.
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