Brainwave Entrainment: Why Brainwaves Matter

The Biocybernaut adventure begins with an understanding of brainwaves.

Brainwaves are “groups” of electrical impulses used by the neurons in your brain use to do things.

While there are many ways to stimulate them (including certain types of audio sounds, like white or pink noise) — that process is called brainwave entrainment, and comes with many significant limitations.

But the one distinction we’ll highlight and focus on here exclusively is control.

Because properly administered neurofeedback is…

The ONLY Way to Consistently
Control Your Brainwaves

First discovered in the 1950s, neurofeedback involves attaching electrodes to the scalp and using EEG technology to measure activity in your brain.

By providing real-time “feedback” — it’s like your brain has a mirror and can ‘see’ itself for the first time — causing it to naturally improve.

Neurofeedback is not subjective or “woo woo”. It’s a 100% safe, non-invasive, clinically-researched method for enhancing natural brainwave production and control.

To date, neurofeedback has been validated by hundreds of human studies — and well-regarded for its ability to help with conditions ranging from depression to ADHD and beyond.

Now, before you run out to get a brainwave-based audio program — or schedule a neurofeedback session — keep in mind: 

Not All Neurofeedback Is Effective

For instance, there are many approaches that don’t isolate the right brainwaves, or employ video games without regard for what the patient really needs — or use too few brain sites to make a significant shift in one’s brain state.

By itself, neurofeedback WON’T give you the kind of results we’ve studied to be possible at Biocybernaut.

Neurofeedback alone, especially as generally practiced — has NOT been shown to boost your IQ by 11.7 points, or give you the equivalent to decades of Zen meditation in a single week.

Yet alpha neurofeedback training administered by Biocybernaut has done exactly that.

Why Alpha Neurofeedback Training
Is the Optimum First Step

To get a sense of why alpha neurofeedback training produces better results than general methods or brainwave entrainment — it’s useful to think of your brainwaves like the “gears” of a car…

To get from your home to a destination in the city — or another big city — you wouldn’t rely on just one or two gears, would you?

In fact, you COULDN’T. Your transmission would likely fail, or you’d be run off the road!

You must be able to shift UP or DOWN smoothly to get to your destination and have a perfect trip along the way.

(Even in an automatic car, the vehicle’s transmission is shifting for you–without you realizing it.)

Your brain operates in much the same way. The difference is, your “gears” are the various brainwave states. And your success depends on you being able to shift up or down, depending on the activity.

If you don’t — and you rely on only 1-2 gears — you’ll…

Quickly Run Into Performance Limits
and Not Understand Why

In fact, without control over your brainwaves — especially alpha –, you might find yourself struggling or underperforming in any number of areas. For instance…

  • Did you know that the brainwave entrainment best for clearing out emails quickly is NOT the best one for creative tasks like writing or brainstorming?
  • Did you know that elite athlete like Lebron James or Steph Curry will have a high burst of alpha brainwaves prior to a perfect shot? (Those who miss typically have less alpha–and more beta.)
  • And did you know that Einstein spent a lot of time in a predominantly alpha brainwave entrainment state while developing his theory of relativity?

Most human underperformance — whether it be reduced intelligence, creativity, joy, or income — is characterized by being in the wrong brain state.

The Cost of Being in the Wrong
Brainwave Entrainment Can Be Significant

For instance, let’s say you need to be creative — and yet, all your tendencies and actions or habits push you into beta… well, you will struggle to generate quality ideas.

Or say your partner gets angry at you and begins an argument; if you can go to alpha, you’re likely to remove your ego, feel compassion, and calmly discuss the concerns without being triggered. But in beta… it’s much harder.

I could go on and on.

The point is… beta is a rapid brainwave (12-38hz) useful for certain daily tasks — but very poor for many other activities.

In beta, your mind is often chattering incessantly… and can often be filled with doubt, worry, fear, and frustration.

Alpha, on the other hand, is much slower (8-12hz)–arguably the most researched and validated brain wave for higher levels of human performance.

Many elite athletes, martial artists and other high achievers experience alpha frequently–and describe their peak experiences “mentally quiet” and “in slow motion.”

Understanding This Could
Even Extend Your Life

While working as a professor of Medical Psychology at the University of California at San Francisco–Dr. Hardt formally researched the reversal of brain aging.

There, he conducted a double-blind study funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH).  

The research was called ANXIETY AND AGING:  Intervention with EEG Alpha Feedback — and he looked at women from 60 well up into their 80’s — and observed meaningful reductions in anxiety, depression, paranoia, schizophrenia, etc.

He examined these women for these personality/mood factors before they underwent this process — and then immediately after.  

What was most eye-opening was that the women showed further improvements 6 months later. And at 12 months after undergoing this process, the results were even more profound.

It’s clear that alpha neurofeedback training can significantly reduce anxiety, which can then favorable impact on aging and longevity.

There is, of course, much more we can say about brainwave entrainment and aging; and we will address this topic again in future posts.

Thank you and have a blessed weekend!


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