Biocybernaut is opening up an exclusive opportunity for trainers. Dr. James Hardt, the founder of Biocybernaut and pioneer in Neurofeedback is offering up his time to allow a few select and qualified people to learn and train underneath him. These trainers will be exposed to all Dr. Hardt knows and will be given the knowledge, the tools, and the techniques needed to successfully lead Neurofeedback trainings and transform the lives of others.
Many other Neurofeedback centers have learned all they know from Dr. Hardt, but he hasn’t taught them all HE knows. Could you be the one who gets to learn all he knows?
To qualify for this position, one must:
A person who embodies and exemplifies all of the above qualifications may apply for Candidacy to become a Biocybernaut Trainer. However, in the two months of intensive training that ensues upon acceptance into Candidacy, the Candidate must learn and grow and expand and love and forgive and surrender to even greater degrees. Not all Candidates can do this well enough to earn Certification, so not all Candidates become Certified Biocybernaut Trainers. Once Certified, a Trainer must earn Re-Certification on a bi-annual basis. If a Certified Trainer fails to exemplify the qualities and skills of a Biocybernaut Trainer, their Certification can be suspended pending further training, or revoked.
Put all of the above qualities together and it’s easy to see that Biocybernaut Trainers are very special people. Along with the initial requirements, each one brings specialized backgrounds, gifts and abilities to the Training process.
The Biocybernaut Institute is an educational facility specializing in advanced neurofeedback training programs; and being a Trainer at Biocybernaut is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding vocations on the planet. It’s also one of the most demanding.
Powerful rewards come when trainees (clients) make major breakthroughs, opening their hearts to love and forgiveness. These shifts in the trainees (clients) show up in many ways. Some arrive with down-cast glances to become sources of sparkling eye contact. Others transform from giving cold and distant hugs into generous sources of warm embraces. Angry, fearful and sad people begin to radiate Joy.
This is all accomplished in an atmosphere of unconditional love and acceptance. For the most part, the Trainer is responsible for creating and maintaining that magical environment where transformation is not only possible, but clearly the wisest and most resourceful outcome. A Trainer must have, or must develop, a special view of reality that we call the “Transformational perspective of the Trainer” and we know that what happens here at Biocybernaut is only possible with this transformational perspective of reality. Trainers have to exemplify the process, to masterfully guide trainees (clients) into the most effective uses of the technology and to know the goodness and potential of their trainees (clients) so completely that there is not even a whisper of a doubt that the metamorphosis will happen. Trainer’s must also be un-attached to the outcomes, so that the Trainer does not “need” for the trainee (client) to have a positive outcome. This nonattachment, coupled with intelligence and skill in delivering the Training programs gives the highest probability for powerfully positive outcomes.
The Trainer’s mission is to guide each one of his or her clients out of their own self-imposed limits into a path of freedom and growth, which only they, the trainees (clients) themselves, can choose. There are no predetermined results, nor can there be. Each client is creating his/her own life journey. Each client will discover and follow his or her own unique path of personal growth. The job of the Trainer is to be a gentle, firm, non-judgmental, compassionate, and totally safe guide into the differing universes of each person who comes for Biocybernaut training. It is an awesome responsibility and a continual source of Joy.
This implies that each Trainer must be on his or her own journey, and that forward movement on your own path of enlightenment is critical to your growth as a Trainer. This helps to ensure that our Trainers have Personal Growth as their own #1 priority and are not just looking for a job. The Biocybernaut Trainer does not have a job. The Biocybernaut Trainer does not have a profession or a career. A vocation is closer to the truth, but is still a bit shy of the whole truth of the role of a Biocybernaut Trainer. Thus, we have found it is essential that everyone coming onto the Biocybernaut Training Staff comes through the Alpha One Training by being a regular client first. Such a person must want to do the Biocybernaut Alpha One training with every fiber of their being. They must want it for themselves. They must know they can grow in amazing ways through the Alpha One training and this must be their primary objective in doing the Alpha One training. If someone were to view their own Alpha One training as a “job requirement” or some hurdle that they must overcome in order to be invited into Candidacy, which is the approximately 2-month training program for becoming a Biocybernaut Trainer, such a person is automatically unsuitable for the role of Biocybernaut Trainer. We do not feel that anyone who has not personally experienced the transformational power of the technology would be equipped to fully appreciate, or to wisely coach, the wonderful and powerful effects being experienced by the clients. And only in the “pressure cooker” and clear penetrating light of a Biocybernaut Alpha training program can we best determine if someone has promise as a Trainer. In any case, the Training will be of great value to the person who is interested in becoming a Biocybernaut Trainer for the rest of his/her life, whether or not s/he becomes a Biocybernaut Trainer. If they do not see this and if they do not value their own personal growth in consciousness through the Alpha training above and beyond any monetary compensation they may receive as a Biocybernaut Trainer, then they are not the kind of person that we are seeking as Biocybernaut Trainers.
Biocybernaut Trainer is not a job. It is not a Profession and it is not a Career. It is akin to a Vocation.
This is not a job for anyone with ego problems, or eager to be “in control” of others, or seeking to believe that somehow “I am better than this person in front of me.” This means that a Trainer must be open-minded and non-judgmental and must, with great empathy, seek understanding of the most obscure and seemingly incomprehensible utterances of their clients – the trainees. One of the 5 hallmarks of the mystical experience is *ineffability,* and clients will often struggle to try to express their experiences in a few words or sentence fragments. A Candidate who was rigid or dogmatic or doctrinaire, argumentative or narcissistic would not be able (or willing) to seek to understand such fragmentary attempts by clients to describe their sometimes mystical experiences in the Alpha Trainings and in the higher level Biocybernaut Trainings. Trainers must have high tolerance for ambiguity and be lovingly accepting and supportive of clients who may have very different cultural values, mores, lifestyles, behaviors and beliefs.
Trainers must have quick and easy access to their own wellsprings of joy, and must have a passionate interest in the details of other people’s experiences. The hours are long, and there are no breaks for lunch or dinner, as “dinner” is eaten with the clients, or while the clients are in their chambers. The days are 10-16 hours long, depending on the needs of the clients, and during the 7 consecutive days of a Training the clients and the Trainers only have time to eat and sleep and to train in expanding awareness. This would be challenging for a single parent of small children. Trainers must have the stamina to perform with compassion and high intelligence during such long days. Although there may be a short rest period while the trainees (clients) are in their feedback chambers, the Trainers must remain alert and sharp throughout all the interactions with the trainees (clients). Excellent memory for verbal communications is essential. When the up-to-five trainees (clients) tell of the details of their important life experiences, the Trainer must remember all these details across all 7 days of the training in order to offer wise suggestions to guide the explorations, which each of the trainees (clients) is undertaking in the neurofeedback chambers, in the debriefing room, in the conference room, and even in the kitchen during the shared snack, lunch &/or dinner breaks.
Watching a client break free of sadness, anger, and fear and emerge into the new light and joy of his or her own creation, often teaching the Trainer something s/he had never before considered, is a source of sparkling exhilaration for a Trainer. It is deeply gratifying to see people growing and becoming happier, more confident, and more self-fulfilled.
Two of the very important qualities a Trainer must have are the ability to generate and hold an open, love-filled heart space and the ability to completely step outside of him/herself in order to hold a continuous connection with each Trainee. Some Trainers describe this last quality as: “I feel like I disappear” because that’s exactly what’s happening. To lead a Biocybernaut Training is to go into that space of knowing “It’s not about me.” Staying fully present with each trainee (client) and being attentively interested in all the details of the trainee’s (client’s) experiences is essential to establish the rapport and the trust which enables the Trainer to exemplify and convey the transformational perspective of the Trainer.
Other demands include developing and exemplifying a new relationship with time. A Trainer’s responsibility is to help Trainees transcend time; and the first thing that happens is all trainees (clients) are asked to surrender their watches and cell phones and i-pads and computers. Ram Dass said, “If you want to live high, you have to live outside of time.” In service of this objective Biocybernaut Trainers must surrender their traditional connections to time. Our Trainings start on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd of every month (with some slight variation during the Christmas season); so weekends and days of the week become rather meaningless. Likewise with Holidays, as Trainings frequently go right through Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. They have Christmas Day off traditionally; but usually Trainings start the day after Christmas and run through New Year’s Day.
And finally there’s the demand of consistency; and this is a big one because it spans a broad range. First, a Trainer must consistently model the teachings of the Training for his/her Trainees. What are those key teachings beyond the Biocybernaut watchwords of Openness, Honesty, Love, Forgiveness and Appreciation? They are: Automatic Forgiveness, Ready Access to their own well-springs of love and joy, Vigilant Awareness of the Ego, which leads to Ego Dissolution, Development of specific Attitudes including Engaged Indifference, Gratitude, Appreciation, Unconditional love and Surrender.
The other aspect of consistency means being there and doing/delivering the Training no matter what comes up in life. Unlike other jobs where occasional absence is of no real consequence, an absent Trainer would be catastrophic to the progress of the Trainees. A Trainer needs to warn family and friends that not even births, deaths, weddings and funerals are good enough reasons to leave a Training. In many ways, the trainees (clients) become as important to Biocybernaut Trainers as their own families; and this is something some family members might find difficult to understand.
Another way to summarize the role of the Trainer and to understand what a Biocybernaut Trainer is and how one becomes a Biocybernaut Trainer is as follows:
The Biocybernaut Trainers are Certified only after 12-14 hours per day of intensive training for several months in listening skills, empathy, understanding the Human Electroencephalogram, learning to interpret the computerized Mood Scales, how to remember the details of the daily subjective reports of up to 5 people in an Alpha or Theta training, mastering and disciplining their own egos and in developing total devotion to learning and remembering the details of the experiences of the trainees, and in holding a space of Love in which the trainees can feel safe to share their most intimate secrets and their most painful experiences, knowing that the Trainer’s Engaged Indifference plus love will help them to Forgive and to Let Go. Also the Trainers must master the Neurofeedback processes that they teach through their own personal Neurofeedback training. You cannot “teach” Alpha or Theta, but you can exemplify it and transmit it from the Beingness of the Alpha state or the Theta state. Exemplification and parables are important in guiding others in the ways of Alpha and Theta. The trainees may have profound altered states of awareness in their Neurofeedback chambers, like in advanced meditation, and they may have done very deep forgiveness work. These are profound mystical experiences and are not abreactions, but rather the emergence of a deeper consciousness, such as described and taught in meditation and spiritual traditions around the world. The Trainer must empathize with and guide the trainee in the detailed retelling of their experiences in the feedback chamber. This enables the most valuable insights and the shifts in awareness from the neurofeedback session to be articulated and thus to become available to the linguistic and rational mind and thus to be much better remembered. Also the Trainer reviews the daily Mood Scale testing results with each trainee. The Mood Scale computer program, running while the trainee is being recorded for 8 channels of EEG, has the ability to identify and report to the Trainer, the existence of unconscious emotions in each trainee. These can be both positive and negative unconscious emotions. Aided by knowledge of the unconscious emotions within each trainee, the Biocybernaut Trainer can much more effectively guide the forgiveness work by each trainee, which then results in emotional healing, Letting Go and a much enhanced awareness by the trainee of their own emotions and their own consciousness. Recall that Travis and Greaves (Emotional Intelligence, 2.0) found that only 36% of people they tested could accurately recognize their own emotions as they occurred. The Biocybernaut Alpha One training remedies this deficiency by dramatically increasing emotional self-awareness and EQ (Emotional Intelligence).
Put all of these qualities together and it’s easy to see that Biocybernaut Trainers are very special people. Along with the initial requirements, each one brings specialized backgrounds, gifts and abilities to the Training process.
A person who embodies and exemplifies all of the above qualifications may apply for Candidacy to become a Biocybernaut Trainer. However, in the two months of intensive training that ensues upon acceptance into Candidacy, the Candidate must learn and grow and expand and love and forgive and surrender to even greater degrees. Not all Candidates can do this enough and well enough to earn Certification as a Biocybernaut Trainer. So not all Candidates become Certified Biocybernaut Trainers. And once Certified, a Trainer must earn Re-Certification on a bi-annual basis to retain their Certification as a Biocybernaut Trainer. And if a Certified Trainer fails to exemplify the qualities and skills of a Biocybernaut Trainer, their Certification can be suspended, pending further training, or be revoked.
The Biocybernaut Institute is an educational facility specializing in advanced neurofeedback training programs; and being a Trainer at Biocybernaut is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding vocations on the planet. It’s also one of the most demanding.
– Bill Harris, Founder, Centerpointe Research Institute & Holosync™ technology
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