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The One to push the boundaries of science


The One to help people break free


The One to guide seekers to their zenith



A Biocybernaut Trainer

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Could you be the one?

Biocybernaut is opening up an exclusive opportunity for trainers. Dr. James Hardt, the founder of Biocybernaut and pioneer in Neurofeedback is offering up his time to allow a few select and qualified people to learn and train underneath him. These trainers will be exposed to all Dr. Hardt knows and will be given the knowledge, the tools, and the techniques needed to successfully lead Neurofeedback trainings and transform the lives of others.

Many other Neurofeedback centers have learned all they know from Dr. Hardt, but he hasn’t taught them all HE knows. Could you be the one who gets to learn all he knows?

To qualify for this position, one must:

  • Be on one’s own journey, as forward movement on your own path of enlightenment is critical to your growth as a Trainer. 
  • Maintain Personal Growth as your #1 priority.
  • Have been through the Alpha One Training.
  • Be open-minded and non-judgmental.
  • With great empathy, seek understanding of the most obscure and seemingly incomprehensible utterances of your clients – the trainees.
  • Possess a high tolerance for ambiguity and demonstrate loving acceptance and support of clients who may have very different cultural values, mores, lifestyles, behaviors and beliefs.
  • Have quick and easy access to your own wellsprings of joy, and possess a passionate interest in the details of other people’s experiences.
  • Maintain the stamina to perform with compassion and high intelligence during long days.
  • Exhibit an excellent memory for verbal communications.
  • Possess the ability to generate and hold an open, love-filled heart space and the ability to completely step outside of oneself in order to hold a continuous connection with each Trainee. 
  • Consistently model the teachings of the Training for one’s Trainees. The key teachings are Openness, Honesty, Love, Appreciation, Automatic Forgiveness, Ready Access to well-springs of love and joy, Vigilant Awareness of the Ego (which leads to Ego Dissolution), and Development of specific Attitudes. (these include: Engaged Indifference, Gratitude, Unconditional Love and Surrender)
  • Commit to being fully present and doing/delivering the Training no matter what comes up in life. 

A person who embodies and exemplifies all of the above qualifications may apply for Candidacy to become a Biocybernaut Trainer.  However, in the two months of intensive training that ensues upon acceptance into Candidacy, the Candidate must learn and grow and expand and love and forgive and surrender to even greater degrees.  Not all Candidates can do this well enough to earn Certification, so not all Candidates become Certified Biocybernaut Trainers.  Once Certified, a Trainer must earn Re-Certification on a bi-annual basis. If a Certified Trainer fails to exemplify the qualities and skills of a Biocybernaut Trainer, their Certification can be suspended pending further training, or revoked.

Put all of the above qualities together and it’s easy to see that Biocybernaut Trainers are very special people.  Along with the initial requirements, each one brings specialized backgrounds, gifts and abilities to the Training process.

What does it means to be a Biocybernaut Trainer?

The Biocybernaut Institute is an educational facility specializing in advanced neurofeedback training programs; and being a Trainer at Biocybernaut is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding vocations on the planet.  It’s also one of the most demanding. 


  • The days are 10-16 hours long, depending on the needs of the trainees. There are no breaks for lunch or dinner, as “dinner” is eaten with the trainees. During the 7 consecutive days of a Training, the trainees and Trainers only have time to eat, sleep, and train in expanding awareness.
  • Although there may be a short rest period while the trainees are in their feedback chambers, the Trainers must remain alert and sharp throughout the entire process.
  • Staying fully present with each trainee and being attentively interested in all the details of the trainee’s experience.
  • A Trainer’s responsibility is to help trainees transcend time; the first thing that happens is all trainees are asked to surrender their watches, cell phones, tablets, and computers.
  • Our Trainings start on the 3rd, 13th and 23rd of every month (with some slight variation during the Christmas season), so weekends and weekdays become rather meaningless. Likewise with Holidays, as Trainings frequently go right through Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, Labor Day, etc. Christmas is an off day traditionally; but Trainings typically start the day after Christmas and run through New Year’s Day.

What can you expect?

  • Biocybernaut Trainers are Certified only after 12-14 hours per day of intensive training for several months.
  • You will learn to master the following:
    • Listening skills
    • Empathy
    • Understanding the Human Electroencephalogram
    • Interpretation of the computerized Mood Scales
    • Holding a space of Love
    • The neurofeedback processes
  • Watching a client break free of sadness, anger, and fear, emerging into the new light and joy of their own creation, often teaching the Trainer something they’d never before considered, is a source of sparkling exhilaration for a Trainer. 
  • It is deeply gratifying to see people growing and becoming happier, more confident, and more self-fulfilled.

We're waiting for you.

"If you're at all serious about your emotional and spiritual growth, then Biocybernaut is going to absolutely blow your mind."

– Bill Harris, Founder, Centerpointe Research Institute & Holosync™ technology

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