Home » Fear Resolution
And so, to deal with fear, you will learn how to do a worst-case scenario. This learning will occur several days into the training because we want you to be somewhat skilled in the Alpha generation before you try it.
The way it works when you do a worst-case scenario is as follows. You pick something that you’re afraid might happen, and then you catastrophic it. Imagine what happened, and then something worse happened, which led to something worse, and as you get more and more afraid, your Alpha will drop more and more. You do a pattern interrupt at a certain point, and you grab the fear, as it were, by the throat, and you set it to the side. You say, OK, now, wait here for a minute, and during that pattern interrupt, you go into something that you know will surely give you high Alpha: petting puppies, playing with babies, smiling and hugging someone that you love; all of these are methods that will raise Alpha.
And so when the Alpha goes up in the face of the fear, it diminishes the fear — diminishes the fear in the same way that the morning sun diminishes the fog. It just dissolves it. It goes away. This gets the fears out of the way so that you can then more easily live in joy.
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