Increase Creativity By 50 %

Alpha And Creativity

Dr James V. Hardt did a study with Stanford Research Institute scientists, where he gave them a test of creativity before their Alpha One training and again after their Alpha One training. Their average increase in creativity was 50 per cent. These guys were astonished. Some of them solved problems in their training that they had been working on, struggling with over two years. In the high Alpha state, the solutions came quickly and easily because, in Alpha, your brain assembles information, maybe from different categories of knowledge and experience, things that you’d been exposed to before, maybe even had forgotten. In high Alpha, your brain assembles the information necessary to solve the problem in a manner that will distinguish you as a creative person.

When Colin Martindale studied creativity, he found that highly creative people had the ability to turn on Alpha when they were working on a problem, and normal people didn’t. Normal people would try to solve problems in the same brainwave state that they occupy when they’re at rest, but the highly creative people could turn on a high Alpha state within which they could quickly and effectively solve problems.


And so Colin Martindale, a researcher at the University of Maine in Orono, said that creativity is simply a matter of having the right brain waves. Creativity is simply a matter of having the right brain waves, and so if you have the right training, you can turn on Alpha you can be creative in whatever area you want.

The highly significant increase in creativity of ideas (Ideational Fluency) in the alpha feedback group suggests that it may be possible for a wide range of people to become more creative.

It is also apparent that alpha training reduced stress in the alpha group, which significantly reduced.

This study suggests that there are at least two different categories of beneficial results from feedback training to increase EEG alpha: increased creativity and reduced anxiety.
"One of the benefits that I noticed relates to the IQ shift that is possible with Biocybernaut institute training. Over the years I’ve played a computer game called Bejeweled. They have it for iPhone and also on the airline flight TV’s. Interestingly I had played again on the flight from Sydney to LAX on my way to Canada for Alpha 2 training and still couldn’t get past level 9. It’s been that way for years; can never get past level 9. I didn’t think much of it and I just wanted to kill some time on the long flight. Anyway played Bejeweled once more on the flight from Seattle to LAX the day after completing Alpha 2 training, again to pass the time and remarkably got to level 16 in the game. This is way beyond what was possible for me considering that the levels get much more difficult each time. Had this sense though that my mind was operating in a more holistic way able to see many patterns at once. Also it was like I wasn’t trying and that was helping too! That was definitely a theme of the training for me – less trying more being!"
Increase IQ, Increase IQ By 11.7 Points, Alpha training
Simon Collins
Graduate 2008, 2015
Metallurgical Engineer
"It opened me up to experience spiritual things and it felt like I was able to access my creativity in an amazing way. Later, I still have a bedrock of calm and feel more in touch with visualization ability. It’s a great system run by a world class scientist."
Increase Creativity By 50, Alpha One training
Will Bunker
"If you really want to experience the most fascinating, profound, and life changing journey into inner space go to Dr. Jim Hardt’s brilliant biofeedback institute. I am amazed by the continuing experience of daily increase in brain power, positive energy, and creativity. When you go you will also experience the genius, kindness, and care of Dr. Hardt who is clearly an example of the work that IS his life."
Robert Colt-Increased-Joy, Anger Management Training, Anger Management, Anger Management Institute
Robert Colt
Graduate 2015
Transformational Seminar Teacher/Entrepreneur
"There is no problem that can't be solved in Alpha"
tony robbins -Biocybernaut Institute
Tony Robbins
Transformational Seminar Teacher/Entrepreneur
"Creativity is a matter of having the right brain waves. When creative people go to work on an imaginative task, their alpha jumps ..."
Collin Martindale, 1975​
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