Increase IQ By 11.7 Points

Using the Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test, Dr Hardt tested people before and after the Alpha training and what was found was an increase in IQ that averaged 11.7 points. The IQ boost of the Alpha One training averaged 11.7 points of IQ, which was stable at least a year.

Now, there’s more. We can get into more details because IQ tests are typically composed of a verbal part, verbal IQ, and another part that measures mathematical and logical abilities. Both of these two subscales or sub-dimensions of IQ increase significantly as a result of the Alpha training. In verbal IQ, the strongest effects were seen in auditory recall and the delayed auditory recall, so you understand more of what other people are saying. You remember it, both in the short-term and longer-term, much better after the Alpha training.

The gain in IQ was across the board. There was no tendency for smarter people to have larger increases, and there was no tendency for people who are not as smart to have bigger increases. In other words, this is a process that helps everyone essentially equally, and this was cheeked through analysis. Scientifically there was no correlation between the initial IQ level and how much the person gained, so the Alpha training produced equal benefits for everyone. Those benefits averaged 11.7 points  for each person.

"One of the benefits that I noticed relates to the IQ shift that is possible with Biocybernaut institute training. Over the years I’ve played a computer game called Bejeweled. They have it for iPhone and also on the airline flight TV’s. Interestingly I had played again on the flight from Sydney to LAX on my way to Canada for Alpha 2 training and still couldn’t get past level 9. It’s been that way for years; can never get past level 9. I didn’t think much of it and I just wanted to kill some time on the long flight. Anyway played Bejeweled once more on the flight from Seattle to LAX the day after completing Alpha 2 training, again to pass the time and remarkably got to level 16 in the game. This is way beyond what was possible for me considering that the levels get much more difficult each time. Had this sense though that my mind was operating in a more holistic way able to see many patterns at once. Also it was like I wasn’t trying and that was helping too! That was definitely a theme of the training for me – less trying more being!"
Increase IQ, Increase IQ By 11.7 Points, Alpha training
Simon Collins
Graduate 2008, 2015
Metallurgical Engineer
Brain Lead Magnet

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