Since 2009, a private philanthropist has provided funding for over 250 people to take the 7-Day Alpha Brain Wave Training Programs. The philanthropist has personally experienced the benefits of the Biocybernaut Training Programs and wants others to have access to the same beneficial results that he and his family and the employees of his companies have experienced.
As a part of the Aboriginal Scholarship Program, research was conducted on the effectiveness of the Biocybernaut Alpha Training for all the participants. This research showed that the Alpha feedback training at Biocybernaut significantly benefited the graduates in very many ways.
Trainees were measured before and after their Alpha trainings on four standard personality inventories. These are: The Minnesota Multi-Phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), the Meyers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI), the Personality Orientation Inventory (POI), the Clyde Mood Scale (CMS), the Profile of Mood States (POMS), and the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL). According to these personality tests, the trainees, after their Alpha training, showed decreased levels of Anxiety, Hostility, Aggression, Sleepiness, Unhappiness, Tension/Anxiety, Confusion/Bewilderment, Hysteria, Depression, Psychaesthenia, Social Introversion, and Fatigue. Trainees also showed increases in: Vigor, Clear-Thinking, and Friendliness.
Because of the high levels of Trauma in the Canadian Aboriginals, the Scholarship Trainees were invited to participate in up to three trainings: Alpha One, Alpha Two and Alpha Three. Additional trainings were taken with at least one month between trainings. The personality tests have shown continuing improvement after each Alpha training.
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