The BioCybernaut Alpha One training is one of the most valuable things I've done in my life.

Author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and life coach

Tony Robbins

"If you do this training, it's not an observer situation, but a participation one. You're going to change. If you're doing this training there's going to be a real transformation in 7 days. It's going to happen. It's spirituality meets technology meets science."

Dr. Michael Beckwith

One of the most valuable things I took away was just, first and foremost, hearing my brainwaves was really cool. And to learn and be able to identify what raises my Alpha and what suppresses it. Because that’s something that I’ve now taken into my real life outside of the chamber - I can actually close my eyes and access that.

Tatiana James

I’ve done a lot of personal development...over the last 17 years for myself. I’ve gone to many seminars and gone through the books and courses and mentors and retreats...I’ve even done neurofeedback before I did the BioCybernaut training. I’ve even used psychedelic drugs like ayahuasca, as well. And I can confidently say that of everything that I’ve done, BioCybernaut Alpha One Training was the most powerful experience that I’ve ever gone through for my personal development.

Stefan James

I thought this would be a great way for my 13-year-old daughter, who had been diagnosed as being on the spectrum, and I to deal with her anxiety together and bond. I can say this experience has been both life-changing for my daughter, and for me.

In these 7 days, I feel like I have transformed myself, and I feel that my daughter has transformed herself. The two of us have bonded together in a way we never have before.


“When I actually SAW (and heard) my brainwaves, I just about fell off my chair! NOT TOO LONG AGO, I EXPERIENCED SOMETHING SO INCREDIBLE, something that affected me in such an amazing way – I have to tell you about it. If you’re at all serious about your emotional and spiritual growth, this is going to blow your mind absolutely.”

Bill harris

Bill Harris​

Creator of Holosync Meditation
Graduate 2013

“It seems to me that the time and money expense of each session are relatively inexpensive, given the potential benefits.”

Anger Management Institute

Dr. Linda Welling

Associate Professor of Economics, University of Victoria

“(As a journal editor,) I receive hundreds of studies every week. It is rare for a study to show personality changes. If it does, (then) it shows changes for one or two measures for a segment of the population. These are baby steps. When I saw the BioCybernaut data showing changes in all participants’ measures, I got excited. This is not a baby step, and this is an elephant step.”

Anger Management Institute

Dr. Andy Campbell

Editor-in-Chief of Advances in Mind-Body Medicine
Graduate 2012

“The #1 thing I have noticed since attending BioCybernaut — I don’t have this inherent anxious heartbeat residing in my chest/heart chakra every day when I wake up (or almost ever). It just dissolved! I didn’t even realize it at first, oddly,
but it has actually become more apparent recently as time passed. Thank you so much for the opportunity to train and brain hack with you guys!”

Susan Lyon

Susan Lyon

Graduate 2015
San Jose, California

I quickly realized this is when you come to if you really want to experience Neurofeedback. There is absolutely no one like Dr. Hardt. He is one of the most brilliant minds I’ve ever been around.


I spent 40 years of my life with deep-set false beliefs that were really ruining my life and preventing me from living as my true self, and I was looking for ways to break out of that. I was looking for something that could get me out of my own head, turn it around, and allow me to see things from a new perspective. That’s what I found here.


I learned that my brain’s always working, I learned that my brain’s extremely powerful, I learned that my thoughts are created by me, I learned that my beliefs were created by me - I just learned so many things about my brain and how it can work so powerfully.

Folabi Solnake

“It opened me up to experience spiritual things, and it felt like I was able to access my creativity amazingly. Later, I still have a bedrock of calm and feel more in touch with my visualization ability. It’s a great system run by a world-class scientist.”


Will Bunker

“If you really want to experience the most fascinating, profound, and life-changing journey into inner space, go to Dr. Jim Hardt’s brilliant biofeedback institute. I am amazed by the continuing experience of daily increase in brainpower, positive energy, and creativity. When you go, you will also experience the genius, kindness, and care of Dr. Hardt, who is clearly an example of the work that IS his life.”


Robert Colt

Graduate 2015
Transformational Seminar Teacher/Entrepreneur

“One of the benefits that I noticed relates to the IQ shift that is possible with BioCybernaut training. Over the years, I’ve played a computer game called Bejeweled. They have it for iPhone and also on the airline flight TVs. Interestingly, I had played again on the flight from Sydney to LAX on my way to Canada for Alpha 2 training and still couldn’t get past level 9. It’s been that way for years; I can never get past level 9. I didn’t think much of it, and I just wanted to kill some time on the long flight. Anyway, I played Bejeweled once more on the flight from Seattle to LAX the day after completing Alpha 2 training to pass the time and remarkably got to level 16 in the game. This is way beyond what was possible for me, considering that the levels get much more difficult each time. I had this sense, though, that my mind was operating more holistically, able to see many patterns at once. Also, it was like I wasn’t trying, and that was helping too! That was definitely a theme of the training for me – less trying, more being!”


Simon Collins

Graduate 2008, 2015
Metallurgical Engineer

It’s amazing - the shift, as you go. The ego keeps trying to get in the way, and the more you do it and go through the process, the more you deal with the inner stuff - the ego gets out of the way, and you start to see things clearly.

William Hartigan

During my training, I discovered that I had buried emotion and refused to access it, but once I accessed it, I stopped having to suppress it, which was taking up so much energy. And once that emotion was released, my energy completely shifted.


I think the coolest thing was just realizing how much I’ve held on to, and that it can impact - has had an impact - on my struggles, and showing me the techniques to release those past struggles to improve myself today.

Kathryn Hartigan

“BioCybernaut training doubled my understanding of the dimensionality of consciousness … BioCybernaut Alpha One training corrected aspects of my practice of Zen. It confirmed other aspects and overall deepened my practice of Zazen … For me, BioCybernaut technology is better than having your own Zen Master because it is always there and checks your meditation every second. Any Zen Master is busy with many students, and only if you have major attainment you get maybe a smile or a nod of the head from the Master, and that may be hours later, long after attainment. BioCybernaut’s brain wave feedback training is a better meditation teacher than working directly with a Zen Master.”

Yamada Roshi

Zen Master Ryuho Yamada Roshi

“The deepest conscious relaxation I’ve ever experienced. An amazing journey in self-awareness!”
Todd Grannis

Todd Grannis

Oregon Betsy Kropf, Interior Designer
“This week has been an exhilarating process with exciting steps in learning about my own consciousness and being aware that I am in control of it. To be able to hear feedback on the results of my efforts to maintain a higher state of mind is uplifting. Also really enjoyed Jim’s insights and wisdom!”
Nate Miller

Nathan Miller


“It was extremely challenging to be able to use my mind in a way previously unknown to me and to allow it to function at a new level. This was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life … I have more awareness of what my mind can do, so I expect more of myself, and I produce more. I seem to be clearer in my relationship with life and what I’m doing. The training makes life much more fun and much easier.”


Denver Coleman


You will learn more about yourself here than you ever have before. You will find the truth of the matter because you can’t BS the process. The process knows when you’re not getting to the root of the issue, and you may find things about yourself that surprise you, but it will give you a huge shot at living a happier life.


One of the major breakthroughs that I had here at BioCybernaut was being able to be more present in this world. Being able to appreciate the little things, things that I used to just I’m able to, in this state of euphoria, this state of sharpness...accomplish anything, now, after coming to the Alpha Training.

Giovanny Castro

I was in a deep depression for over a year before coming, and when I signed up, I knew without a doubt that this was going to be the end of my depression and the beginning of a new life. I’m 83 years old, and I thought life was over. During this training, I experienced a breakthrough - that I had a brand new opening. I saw my life disappear, and a new blank slate opens up.

Layne Bush

“Thanks to the BioCybernaut Alpha training, I have had the most productive five months in the history of my business. I am mentally more efficient and have the clarity I never thought possible.”


Gunnar Hurtig

Graduate 2016
Venture Capitalist

“I just got home from Spring Break in Sedona with the family and realized that I have yet to send you a thank you for the life-transforming five days I spent in Sedona with you at the BioCybernaut Institute. I can’t believe it was merely a month ago that I finished the training. I felt I grew a decade spiritually after the training and continued that accelerated learning of what feels like another decade of spiritual growth in the month since. I remember arriving in Sedona a few days ago feeling like a distinctly different person than when I last arrived in Sedona. I can’t thank you enough for your wisdom, insights, compassion, and guidance throughout the training. You were such an instrumental part of my experience and created a safe and nurturing space for me to do the hard work needed. I sincerely believe in what Jim said about Alpha training in that email to the Canadian philanthropist – the work is not about producing the Alpha waves but what you do with the programming, which is where you really helped. I have been honoring the intention I set in the training every day. I know the transformation is
real and lasting, and every day I feel more confident that I am on an extraordinary path to discovering the truth about reality and who I really am beyond my egoic self…”


“Dr. Hardt is brilliant and ahead of his time. The BioCybernaut Institute’s work is groundbreaking. Highly recommend CEOs, world leaders, and other individuals who seek to maximize their full potential to contact Dr. Hardt. Dr. Hardt appeared on my national radio show, and the response was incredible. He’s well-spoken and a true visionary of personal development.”

Ryan McCormick

Ryan McCormick

Co-Founder of Goldman McCormick Public Relations

“It’s 6:10 pm on Saturday the 21st Dec 2019, and I am reflecting on the 2nd level of Alpha training I have just completed at BioCybernaut, Sedona, Arizona. The experience was absolutely brilliant! I had massive life-changing experiences. The best of all was cleansing myself of a lifetime of guilt I had been carrying unjustly since 5 years of age. Letting that guilt go has hugely changed my life; words cannot express the magnitude of the change that I have experienced – it’s just phenomenal. I feel calm inside, content.

Another great benefit manifested the day after I completed the program. I have been writing a book for five years, and there seems to be too much information and too many pages; this is due to my very subtle perfectionism. Then yesterday I had a thought – separate the large book into small books. I felt relaxed about the idea, and I had permitted myself to let go of the need to be perfect – WOW!!!

This second training has just turned things around; I feel so relaxed now and focused. I am eternally grateful to Dr. Hardt and the BioCybernaut team. I can’t wait to go through further Alpha training to the upper levels.”

Matt Worthington

Matt Worthington


This above all is needed for everyone on the planet.

Not until you are able to hear your own brainwaves and witness them in real time are you able to truly go deep into the unconscious and bring that pain back so the nervous system can experience it again and from that pain, forgive. This is where true forgiveness happens.


Alpha 1 was amazing, but coming back for Alpha 2 you get to see more channels in action, which is amazing.

I have done a training with each of my sons and also with my significant other and it has been so powerful. There has been a major shift in my relationships.


After going home, we took a two week break between the first Alpha (training) and the second Alpha (training), and even in those first few days at home I could tell that there was a difference. My clarity, my decision making, my confidence, and some of the areas where I had questions before were a lot clearer.

Jeffery Wood

Between Dr. Hardt and his head Trainers, I feel like I got overly-personalized attention. Which was incredible - I think it’s very rare today when companies or services actually not just deliver on what they promise but they actually go severely above and beyond. I’m really eternally grateful for everything I learned here.


Your ego is always a kind of bootlegger or projector, and is always trying to sabotage you. You don’t yell at your ego, but you also don’t feed it. And that, for me, was a breakthrough. So now, I can talk to my ego and say, ‘Okay, this is coming from my ego, and that’s fine.’ This is one experience I can share (from my Alpha Training) - I learned to recognize when something is coming from my ego.

Kellie Hamilton

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